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Mobile Application Development
実績概要 この電子開示システムは、投資家の皆様が常に最新の市場情報を把握し、的確な投資判断を行うための強力なツールです。スマートフォンアプリとしてもご利用いただけるため、外出先でも手軽に情報収集が可能です。東京証券取引所をはじめとする主要な取引所のリアルタイム株価、過去の株価チャート、企業の財務情報などを、直感的な操作で閲覧できます。また、ニュース記事やアナリストレポートとの連携により、より深く企業を分析することができます。 お客様について 当社のクライアントは、金融サービス業界において高い評価を得ている企業です。同社は重要な金融文書の管理と配信のためのソリューションを提供することに特化しています。そのシステムは、個人投資家から大手金融機関まで幅広いユーザーに使用されており、有価証券報告書などのタイムリーかつ正確な情報へのアクセスを提供しています。 課題 多様なプラットフォーム対応: ユーザーは、Android、iOS、macOS、iPadなど、複数のOS上で動作する、統一感のあるユーザーインターフェースを持つアプリを要求します。 アカウントとデータ管理: ユーザーは、アカウントを作成し、検索履歴、保有株式、お気に入り銘柄といった個人情報をアプリ内に保存したいと考えています。 リアルタイムかつ詳細な市場情報: ユーザーは、全ての株式銘柄、特に東京証券取引所の銘柄について、リアルタイムの株価やチャートはもちろん、過去の特定時点の株価データなど、詳細な市場情報を必要としています。 情報の正確性と信頼性: 提供される情報は、常に正確であり、信頼できる情報源に基づいて最新の状態に保たれる必要があります。 ソリューション あらゆるデバイスで快適な株式情報アプリ Flutter 3.10+を活用し、Android、iOS、Windows、macOS、iPadなど、様々なデバイスで動作する株式情報アプリを開発しました。一度の開発で複数のプラットフォームに対応できるため、開発コストを削減し、短期間で高品質なアプリを提供できます。 本アプリの特徴: クロスプラットフォーム: どのデバイスでも同じような操作性で利用できます。 高速パフォーマンス: Flutterの高速レンダリングエンジンにより、滑らかな操作感が実現されます。 レスポンシブデザイン: スマートフォンからタブレット、PCまで、様々な画面サイズに自動で最適化されます。 主な機能: 株式情報検索: 数多くの株式コードの詳細情報、数値、チャートなどを、直感的な操作で検索できます。 リアルタイム更新: 最新の株価情報をリアルタイムで表示します。 カスタマイズ: ユーザーのニーズに合わせて、表示内容やデザインをカスタマイズできます。 リアルタイム株価情報の提供と充実 Firebase Authenticationによる認証、Firebase Firestoreへのユーザーデータ保存、SQFliteによる株式コード管理、そして複数の金融API連携によるリアルタイム株価情報(特に東京証券取引所)の提供により、ユーザーは手軽にアカウントを作成し、自身の投資活動に必要な情報を安全かつ効率的に管理できる投資支援サービスを提供します。 主な機能: リアルタイム更新: Alpha Vantage、IEX Cloud、Yahoo Financeなどの複数の金融APIを活用し、東京証券取引所を中心に、世界の主要市場の株価情報をリアルタイムで取得・表示します。 高精度データ: 信頼性の高いAPIから取得したデータを基に、正確かつ最新の情報をお届けします。これにより、ユーザーは常に市場の動向を把握し、的確な投資判断を行うことができます。 東京証券取引所への特化: 日本市場に特化した詳細な情報提供に力を入れており、国内投資家にとって、より有益な投資ツールとなることを目指します。 高度なセキュリティと利便性を備えたユーザーデータ管理 ユーザーのプライバシー保護を最優先に、Firebase Authenticationによる多要素認証に対応し、安全なアカウント管理を実現しました。検索履歴やポートフォリオなどの重要なユーザーデータは、Firebase Firestoreに暗号化して保存。これにより、データ漏洩のリスクを最小限に抑え、高いセキュリティレベルを確保しています。 また、SQLiteを併用することで、オフライン環境下でも、ユーザーはいつでも自分の投資情報を参照できます。例えば、通勤電車内や海外旅行中など、インターネット環境が不安定な状況でも、過去の取引履歴や現在のポートフォリオを確認することができます。 主な特徴: 多要素認証: より強固なセキュリティを実現 オフラインアクセス: インターネット環境に依存しない データの永続化: 突然のシステム障害が発生した場合でも、データの消失を防ぎます 東京証券取引所データの専用統合 東京証券取引所に特化したユーザーのニーズに応えるため、専用のソリューションを開発しました。東京証券取引所のデータと直接連携し、定期的な更新を行うシステムを構築することで、常に正確な情報を提供します。東京上場の株式を専用のAPIや手動更新によって管理することで、ユーザーは最新のデータにアクセスできます。 主な機能: 東京市場特化データアクセス: 東京上場の株式に特化した正確なデータを提供。 定期的なデータ更新: データを常に最新の状態に保つ。 効率的なデータ処理: 大量のデータを確実に管理。 主な機能 保有銘柄、お気に入り、履歴を保存するためにApple/Googleアカウントでのログインができます。 ログインすると、ユーザー情報に紐付けられた株式、お気に入り、履歴が保存され、複数の端末で共有することができます。 ニュース 銘柄コードや銘柄名で検索すると、企業の決算発表、株価の動き、業界ニュースなど、様々な情報を記事形式で閲覧できます。 このアプリを使用すると、以下のことができます: 保有銘柄管理: 保有している株式を登録し、その銘柄の詳細な情報(株価、チャート、企業情報など)をいつでも確認できます。 お気に入り銘柄登録: よくチェックする銘柄をお気に入りに登録することで、簡単に情報を参照できます。 銘柄検索: 銘柄コードや銘柄名で検索し、詳細な情報を取得できます。 ニュース閲覧: 気になる銘柄に関する最新ニュースを素早くキャッチできます。 PDF閲覧: 有価証券報告書など、より詳細な情報をPDF形式で閲覧できます。 結果 プロジェクトは、堅牢なマルチプラットフォームソリューションを提供することにより、クライアントの目標を無事に達成しました。主な成果は以下の通りです。 円滑なクロスプラットフォーム利用: アプリはすべてのデバイスでシームレスに動作し、ユーザーの利便性を向上させるとともに、今後のメンテナンスの手間を軽減しました。 意思決定の向上: ユーザーは、特に東京証券取引所に関するリアルタイム株価データを入手できるため、より迅速かつ賢明な意思決定が可能になりました。 信頼性の高いデータ管理: 安全なログインと信頼性の高いデータストレージにより、ユーザーは安心できます。 市場での地位の強化: クライアントは、金融情報開示のリーダーとして認知され、さらなる成長とイノベーションの準備が整いました。 結論 このプロジェクトは、ユーザー中心のデザインがデータセキュリティやリアルタイム情報提供と両立できることを実証しました。新しいアプリケーションはユーザーの満足度を高め、企業の財務情報開示における基準点となりました。システムの機能は、急速に変化する金融環境において、最新かつ使いやすい情報がいかに重要であるかを示しました。 戦略策定から開発まで、ハポソフトなら、開発スピードと高い品質を両立できます 多分野に渡るソフトウェア開発経験を持ち、各プロジェクトにおいて高い品質のプロダクトを開発します。お客様の要求を的確に理解し、過去のノウハウを活かした開発を行うことで、高いお客様満足度を実現します。また、見積段階でスコープを明確にし、ご期待に応える提案を実現します。これにより、開発から納品・運用保守まで、安心したプロジェクト進行を実現します。 ハポソフトのコンサルティングチームと開発チームは、長年にわたってソフトウェア開発経験を積んだ、経験豊富なメンバーです。マッチングサイトのみならず、多様な開発案件の実績があるため、お客様のビジネス全体をサポート致します。 一緒に未来のビジネスを創りましょう。今すぐお問い合わせください。







  1. 多様なプラットフォーム対応: ユーザーは、Android、iOS、macOS、iPadなど、複数のOS上で動作する、統一感のあるユーザーインターフェースを持つアプリを要求します。
  2. アカウントとデータ管理: ユーザーは、アカウントを作成し、検索履歴、保有株式、お気に入り銘柄といった個人情報をアプリ内に保存したいと考えています。
  3. リアルタイムかつ詳細な市場情報: ユーザーは、全ての株式銘柄、特に東京証券取引所の銘柄について、リアルタイムの株価やチャートはもちろん、過去の特定時点の株価データなど、詳細な市場情報を必要としています。
  4. 情報の正確性と信頼性: 提供される情報は、常に正確であり、信頼できる情報源に基づいて最新の状態に保たれる必要があります。


  1. あらゆるデバイスで快適な株式情報アプリ

Flutter 3.10+を活用し、Android、iOS、Windows、macOS、iPadなど、様々なデバイスで動作する株式情報アプリを開発しました。一度の開発で複数のプラットフォームに対応できるため、開発コストを削減し、短期間で高品質なアプリを提供できます。


  • クロスプラットフォーム: どのデバイスでも同じような操作性で利用できます。

  • 高速パフォーマンス: Flutterの高速レンダリングエンジンにより、滑らかな操作感が実現されます。

  • レスポンシブデザイン: スマートフォンからタブレット、PCまで、様々な画面サイズに自動で最適化されます。


  • 株式情報検索: 数多くの株式コードの詳細情報、数値、チャートなどを、直感的な操作で検索できます。

  • リアルタイム更新: 最新の株価情報をリアルタイムで表示します。

  • カスタマイズ: ユーザーのニーズに合わせて、表示内容やデザインをカスタマイズできます。


  1. リアルタイム株価情報の提供と充実

Firebase Authenticationによる認証、Firebase Firestoreへのユーザーデータ保存、SQFliteによる株式コード管理、そして複数の金融API連携によるリアルタイム株価情報(特に東京証券取引所)の提供により、ユーザーは手軽にアカウントを作成し、自身の投資活動に必要な情報を安全かつ効率的に管理できる投資支援サービスを提供します。


  • リアルタイム更新: Alpha Vantage、IEX Cloud、Yahoo Financeなどの複数の金融APIを活用し、東京証券取引所を中心に、世界の主要市場の株価情報をリアルタイムで取得・表示します。

  • 高精度データ: 信頼性の高いAPIから取得したデータを基に、正確かつ最新の情報をお届けします。これにより、ユーザーは常に市場の動向を把握し、的確な投資判断を行うことができます。

  • 東京証券取引所への特化: 日本市場に特化した詳細な情報提供に力を入れており、国内投資家にとって、より有益な投資ツールとなることを目指します。


  1. 高度なセキュリティと利便性を備えたユーザーデータ管理

ユーザーのプライバシー保護を最優先に、Firebase Authenticationによる多要素認証に対応し、安全なアカウント管理を実現しました。検索履歴やポートフォリオなどの重要なユーザーデータは、Firebase Firestoreに暗号化して保存。これにより、データ漏洩のリスクを最小限に抑え、高いセキュリティレベルを確保しています。



  • 多要素認証: より強固なセキュリティを実現

  • オフラインアクセス: インターネット環境に依存しない

  • データの永続化: 突然のシステム障害が発生した場合でも、データの消失を防ぎます


  1. 東京証券取引所データの専用統合



  • 東京市場特化データアクセス: 東京上場の株式に特化した正確なデータを提供。

  • 定期的なデータ更新: データを常に最新の状態に保つ。

  • 効率的なデータ処理: 大量のデータを確実に管理。




保有銘柄、お気に入り、履歴を保存するためにApple/Googleアカウントでのログインができます。 ログインすると、ユーザー情報に紐付けられた株式、お気に入り、履歴が保存され、複数の端末で共有することができます。




  • 保有銘柄管理: 保有している株式を登録し、その銘柄の詳細な情報(株価、チャート、企業情報など)をいつでも確認できます。

  • お気に入り銘柄登録: よくチェックする銘柄をお気に入りに登録することで、簡単に情報を参照できます。

  • 銘柄検索: 銘柄コードや銘柄名で検索し、詳細な情報を取得できます。

  • ニュース閲覧: 気になる銘柄に関する最新ニュースを素早くキャッチできます。

  • PDF閲覧: 有価証券報告書など、より詳細な情報をPDF形式で閲覧できます。



  • 円滑なクロスプラットフォーム利用: アプリはすべてのデバイスでシームレスに動作し、ユーザーの利便性を向上させるとともに、今後のメンテナンスの手間を軽減しました。

  • 意思決定の向上: ユーザーは、特に東京証券取引所に関するリアルタイム株価データを入手できるため、より迅速かつ賢明な意思決定が可能になりました。

  • 信頼性の高いデータ管理: 安全なログインと信頼性の高いデータストレージにより、ユーザーは安心できます。

  • 市場での地位の強化: クライアントは、金融情報開示のリーダーとして認知され、さらなる成長とイノベーションの準備が整いました。












Flycam Device and Flight Schedule Management Platform
Flycam Device and Flight Schedule Management Platform
The client is a leader in the drone technology industry. They focus on providing solutions for managing flycam devices and tracking flight schedules. Their users range from individual drone owners to businesses that rely on drones for operations. Before the project, they managed their workflows manually. This approach was not scalable for handling multiple devices or logging detailed flight data. They wanted a platform to centralize these tasks, enabling real-time monitoring and improved efficiency. About the Client Before the project, they managed their workflows manually. This approach was not scalable for handling multiple devices or logging detailed flight data. They wanted a platform to centralize these tasks, enabling real-time monitoring and improved efficiency. In addition, the client aimed to offer premium features through subscription packages. This would allow them to expand their revenue model while delivering added value to users. Challenges The flycam management platform's development came with a number of significant obstacles. For the platform to satisfy user demands and corporate objectives, each problem needed a customized solution. Real-Time Flycam Tracking: Building a system to monitor and update flycam data and flight schedules instantly. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring consistent functionality and user experience across web, iOS, and Android platforms. Seamless Payment Integration: Implementing secure and efficient workflows for Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Stripe. Handling Large-Scale Data: Designing the platform to process and store growing volumes of flight and device data without impacting performance. Solutions Building an efficient and user-friendly platform required multiple tailored solutions. Each solution targeted a specific challenge, ensuring technical precision and scalability. 1. Integrated Flycam and Flight Log Dashboard This solution focused on replacing fragmented workflows with a centralized system for managing flycam devices and flight schedules. Using Flutter, we developed a mobile app that enabled users to log and monitor flight schedules across iOS and Android. Integration with Google Maps API allowed real-time visualization of flight paths. Data was synchronized via Google Cloud Platform, ensuring updates were consistent and accessible across devices. Key Features: Comprehensive dashboard for device and flight data management. Real-time tracking of flight paths on Google Maps. Instant synchronization of updates across mobile platforms. 2. Streamlined Mobile and Web Data Synchronization Ensuring a seamless experience across web, iOS, and Android platforms was critical for user engagement. The mobile app was developed using Flutter for a unified codebase, reducing development time and ensuring feature parity. The web app leveraged TypeScript, Angular, and CoreUI to provide a responsive, intuitive interface. Both platforms were linked via Firebase, delivering consistent and up-to-date information for all users. Key Features: Unified mobile development with Flutter. Responsive and visually cohesive web interface. Real-time synchronization powered by Firebase. 3. Platform-Wide Subscription Payment System This solution streamlined the process of integrating multiple payment systems to support subscription services. We implemented Apple Pay and Google Pay for mobile platforms and Stripe for web transactions. Backend workflows, built with Golang, ensured compliance and security while maintaining efficiency. Users could subscribe seamlessly, regardless of their platform of choice. Key Features: Easy and secure mobile payments via Apple Pay and Google Pay. Reliable web transactions with Stripe integration. Scalable backend infrastructure for handling payment flows. 4. Real-Time Scalable Data Processing Architecture To support a growing user base, we designed a robust system capable of managing large volumes of data efficiently. The platform’s backend, hosted on Google Cloud Platform, processed and synchronized data in real time. This ensured that the system could handle increasing user demands without compromising performance or reliability. Key Features: High-performance backend architecture on GCP. Scalable design to accommodate future growth. Real-time data processing and updates. Results The platform delivered exactly what the client needed, resolving operational challenges and introducing new opportunities for growth. It combined intuitive design with robust functionality to improve efficiency and user satisfaction. A unified mobile and web application now simplifies the management of flycam devices and flight schedules. Real-time map features and a centralized dashboard improve how users track and log flights. Subscription payment systems were integrated across platforms, ensuring a seamless experience for users. Development was completed efficiently, leveraging tools like Flutter and GCP to ensure scalability. Conclusion Haposoft delivered a platform that solved the client's key challenges in managing flycam devices and flight schedules. By centralizing their workflow and integrating real-time data updates, we made it easier for users to track and manage their flights. We also implemented a seamless payment system for subscription services, which helped the client offer more value to their users. The project was completed on time, using technologies like Flutter, Firebase, and Google Cloud, which not only met the current needs but also positioned the platform for future growth. Why Choose Haposoft? At Haposoft, we’re about making things easier for you, not adding more complexity. We take the time to listen to what your business really needs and create solutions that actually help. No fluff, no generic stuff—just real solutions that fit how you work. Whether it’s improving day-to-day processes or building something that scales with you, we focus on what really matters: getting the job done without the hassle. Let’s team up and build something that works for you, in the way that works best for you.
Dynamic Ski Ticketing App for Flexible Resort Access
Dynamic Ski Ticketing App for Flexible Resort Access
This ski ticketing app was designed to make ski resort access faster and more convenient by offering users the flexibility to purchase time-based packages. With this app, skiers can buy and manage hours to use at various participating resorts. It not only saves time at ticket booths but also lets users adjust their schedule to fit their skiing preferences. About the Client Our client operates in the ski resort industry and wanted to enhance the ticketing experience for their customers. They identified a growing demand for more flexible access to ski resorts, allowing users to plan visits on their own terms. Seeking to move away from rigid, fixed ticketing, the client envisioned a digital solution that would simplify ticket purchasing and add convenience. Their goal was to offer a system that would let customers manage their ski hours with ease and enjoy more freedom across multiple resorts. Challenges The client faced several challenges with their current ticket sales and management processes, which they wanted to address through an app and web system: Manual Ticket Management: The client was manually managing ticket sales, promotions, and information updates from ski resorts, making the process slow and inefficient. Customer and Resort Management: They needed a system to manage customer details and resort operations, including ticket sales by time and region, and to offer flexible ticketing options based on hours or days. Gifting and Reporting: They wanted the ability to allow customers to gift tickets within the app and to automatically send detailed usage reports to customers via email. Solutions To address these challenges, our team implemented targeted solutions tailored to meet each requirement. Key features of each solution include: Automated Ticket Management System To address this, we developed an automated system within both the mobile app and web application to streamline ticket management. Using Flutter for mobile and PHP (Laravel) for the web backend, this solution automates ticket sales and promotions, allowing customers to purchase tickets and view promotions directly within the app. This reduces manual efforts and improves accuracy. Key Features: Automated Ticket Sales: Enables users to buy tickets through the app without manual processing. Promotions Management: Admins can quickly create and update promotions, ensuring customers receive the latest offers in real-time. Real-Time Ticket Updates: Reflects ticket purchases and availability instantly, removing delays. Integrated Customer and Resort Management System We implemented a robust management system through the web application that allows admins to manage customer profiles and resort details in one centralized location. This solution, powered by Laravel and hosted on AWS EC2, also integrates with the mobile app to give users the flexibility to purchase tickets by hour or day, meeting diverse user needs. Key Features: Customer Profile Management: Allows admins to view and update customer details, ensuring accurate records. Resort Operations Management: Centralized dashboard to oversee resort-specific ticketing options, including time- and day-based tickets. Flexible Ticketing Options: Users can select tickets based on hours or days, providing them with customizable access to ski resorts. Enhanced Ticket Gifting and Automated Reporting We added ticket gifting functionality within the mobile app, allowing users to send tickets to friends or family members with ease. For automated reporting, the web application sends email updates on ticket usage, powered by Laravel’s built-in mailing functions. This solution not only enhances user engagement but also saves the client time on manual reporting tasks. Key Features: Ticket Gifting: Users can gift ski tickets within the app, enhancing social connectivity and user satisfaction. Automated Email Reports: Sends customers detailed usage reports, keeping them informed and reducing manual work for the client. Notification System: Alerts customers on ticket usage and updates, creating a more interactive experience. Result The development of the project platform resulted in: ► Improved Efficiency: Automated ticket sales and customer management reduced manual workload, allowing staff to focus on higher-value tasks. ► Enhanced User Experience: The mobile app’s flexible ticket purchasing options and intuitive interface led to increased user satisfaction and engagement. ► Scalability: The system was designed to easily incorporate new features, enabling the client to expand ticketing options and adapt to future needs. ► Increased Customer Engagement: Features like ticket gifting and automated reporting encouraged users to interact more frequently with the app, fostering customer loyalty. ► Seamless Multi-Platform Access: Consistent performance across iOS and Android devices made it easy for users to access the app, regardless of their preferred platform. Conclusion This project redefined the client’s management of ski tickets and customer service. We replaced manual processes with a streamlined digital system. This change reduced costs and made ticket sales, customer data, and promotions more efficient. The app’s intuitive design and flexible options make planning visits and gifting tickets easy for customers. The scalable backend is ready to support new features as the client’s needs expand. Overall, this project boosted operational efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and set a strong foundation for future growth. Why Choose Us? When you work with us, you’re choosing a team that’s genuinely invested in understanding your business and finding solutions that fit. We bring both technical skills and real-world insights to each project, aiming to make a real difference for you. Let’s talk about how our mobile application development services can help you reach your next goal.
Community-Driven Platform for Elementary School Admissions Support
Community-Driven Platform for Elementary School Admissions Support
Guiding your child through elementary school admissions can be stressful and confusing for parents. Finding reliable information, accessing mock exam materials, and staying on top of school events often feels like a full-time job. Haposoft stepped in to make this process easier. We built a platform that brings these elements all together in one place. We’ve developed a space where parents can successfully help their children by focusing on clear information, real-time updates, and a supportive community. About the Client Our client operates in the educational technology space, aiming to bridge the gap in information for parents of young students. They recognized the lack of reliable resources for navigating the elementary school admission process. Their vision was to create a community-driven app that provides up-to-date information, event alerts, and a platform for parents to share and receive guidance. Challenges The client faced several challenges that led them to seek Haposoft's expertise: Fragmented School Information: Parents struggled to find a centralized source for reliable school admission guidelines and event details, leading to confusion and inefficiency. Scattered Community Support: The existing platforms for parent engagement were disjointed, making it difficult to build a supportive network for sharing school-related information. Limited Mock Exam Resources: Many parents lacked access to relevant mock exam questions, which hindered their ability to effectively prepare their children for entrance exams. Delayed Event Notifications: Parents often miss important school events and seminars due to the lack of a real-time notification system. Solution To tackle each challenge, Haposoft developed clear, targeted solutions that address the specific needs of parents navigating school admissions. 1. Centralized Information Hub To solve the problem of fragmented information, we built a centralized hub using PHP Laravel as the platform's backbone. Our goal was to create a unified source of school admission details, event updates, and guidelines. We used Laravel's backend capabilities to pull verified data directly from school databases, organizing it into clear categories. This setup ensures parents can easily find accurate, up-to-date information without feeling overwhelmed. Key Features: Reliable Data Integration: Directly pulls data from school systems. Organized Categories: Streamlined structure for quick navigation. Real-Time Updates: Ensures fresh and relevant information on both web and mobile platforms. 2. Community Engagement Platform We developed a community engagement platform using Next.js for the web and Flutter for mobile to connect parents in a supportive environment. The platform enables parents to share tips, discuss school events, and exchange valuable insights. We focused on making it simple and intuitive, encouraging active participation. Key Features: Interactive Forums: Dedicated spaces for discussions on school-related topics. Easy Event Sharing: Tools for parents to post and share school seminars or events. Responsive Design: Seamless user experience across all devices. 3. Mock Exam Resource Center We developed a mock exam resource center using Flutter to address the need for exam preparation. This center provides parents with access to a broad range of practice questions, categorized by subject and difficulty. This structured approach helps parents guide their child’s study process effectively, with clear progress tracking. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Bank: Covers a variety of subjects relevant to entrance exams. Intuitive Layout: Easy-to-navigate interface for finding study materials. Progress Monitoring: Allows parents to track their child’s performance. 4. Real-Time Notification System To keep parents updated in real-time, Haposoft has established a push notification system that operates on both web and mobile platforms. We utilized Laravel to manage server-side communication, combined with Firebase Cloud Messaging to facilitate push notifications. Flutter is used to handle notifications on mobile devices. This setup ensures that parents receive instant alerts about school events, seminars, and other important updates exactly when they need them. Key Features: Instant Alerts: Sends real-time updates on events and school news. Customizable Notifications: Parents can choose alert preferences based on their interests. Multi-Platform Accessibility: Notifications are available on both web and mobile platforms. Results The platform we developed for the client made a real impact. Parents now have easy access to accurate school admission details and can connect with a supportive community. The mock exam resource center helped many parents better prepare their children for entrance tests. Real-time notifications also kept them up-to-date with important events, reducing missed opportunities. The unified solution improved engagement and saved time for busy parents. ► Centralized Information: Parents now have quick access to reliable school admission details. ► Community Engagement: A supportive platform that connects parents to share insights and advice. ► Mock Exam Preparation: Enhanced resources helped parents better prepare their children for entrance exams. ► Real-Time Updates: Timely notifications reduced missed opportunities for school events and seminars. ► Improved User Experience: The unified solution saved time and boosted overall engagement for parents. Conclusion Haposoft delivered a reliable, user-friendly platform that solved the client's key challenges. We focused on making information easy to find, building a strong community, and ensuring parents never miss an important update. Our approach was centered on understanding the needs of parents and creating a solution that truly supports them. Why Choose Haposoft? At Haposoft, we don’t only build software; we solve problems We like to make time to get to know you and to create solutions that really matter. With strong technical expertise and an easy-to-use user experience, our team can take your project from idea to reality. From the point of analysis to the designing of clean UI/UX, to development, testing, and what you first need to launch, we guide you through. Our experience in different industries helps you achieve business goals with every project. Do you want someone to transform your ideas into reality? Let Haposoft help you with the right solutions. Contact us today to discuss how our mobile development services can bring your project to life while staying within your budget.
Home Maintenance Scheduling and Customer Management App
Home Maintenance Scheduling and Customer Management App
A home renovation company in Japan faced challenges in managing customer maintenance schedules and their information. Their existing system was inefficient, causing delays and confusion. To solve this, they partnered with Haposoft to develop a mobile and web solution. This new system aimed to simplify scheduling for customers while helping staff manage information more easily. About Client The client is a well-established company in the Japanese home renovation industry. They specialize in improving and maintaining residential properties, offering services ranging from repairs to home equipment maintenance. With a growing customer base, the company sought to enhance their service quality by making scheduling easier for customers and improving the efficiency of their internal operations. Challenges The client faced several issues with their previous system: Inefficient Customer Data Management: The existing system for managing customer information was cumbersome. Employees struggled to search and retrieve data, leading to time-consuming processes and errors. Complex Maintenance Scheduling: Coordinating maintenance appointments for home equipment required excessive manual input. This often caused delays and miscommunications between staff and customers. Need for Workflow Optimization: The company wanted a platform that would not only make scheduling more user-friendly but also streamline internal workflows, reducing manual tasks and improving efficiency. Our Solution To address the client’s specific challenges, Haposoft developed tailored solutions across both mobile and web platforms. 1. Web-Based Customer Data Management To resolve the issues with customer data management, Haposoft developed a web-based platform using Angular and CoreUI. This system offers a highly customizable and easy-to-use interface, making it simpler for employees to search, update, and manage customer information. Integration with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) allows for real-time data synchronization between the web platform and mobile app, ensuring that customer information is always up-to-date. Key Features: Efficient Data Search: Employees can quickly search for and retrieve customer details, improving workflow efficiency. Customizable Forms: The platform allows for easy form customization, supporting various customer data input needs. Real-Time Data Updates: Customer data is automatically synced across both mobile and web platforms, ensuring consistency. 2. Cross-Platform Maintenance Scheduling To simplify maintenance scheduling for customers, Haposoft built a cross-platform mobile app using Flutter 3.3 or higher. This unified application works on both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to easily book maintenance services. The integration with Firebase and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ensures that scheduling information is stored securely and synced in real time. Key Features: User-Friendly Scheduling: Customers can schedule appointments through an intuitive calendar interface. Automated Reminders: The system sends automatic notifications to remind users of upcoming maintenance appointments. Direct Communication: Customers can connect with service experts via video or voice calls for real-time consultations. 3. Automated Workflow Optimization Haposoft implemented backend optimizations using Golang for cloud functions, enabling the system to handle multiple simultaneous processes without delays. This ensures smooth data flow and reduces manual work for employees. The combination of Firebase and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) allows for efficient coordination between the mobile and web platforms, improving overall internal workflow. Key Features: Real-Time Data Flow: Automated processes ensure data is consistently updated without manual input. Task Automation: Routine tasks, like sending appointment confirmations and reminders, are handled automatically. Improved Coordination: Staff can manage multiple appointments simultaneously with minimal effort. Results The implementation of this mobile app resulted in significant improvements for both the client’s internal processes and customer satisfaction. The new system has streamlined operations, reduced errors, and provided a better overall user experience. Key outcomes include: ► Enhanced Scheduling Efficiency: Customers can now book appointments quickly and easily, reducing missed appointments and scheduling issues. ► Improved Data Management: Real-time synchronization of customer data between the app and backend reduced manual errors and ensured data consistency. ► Faster Response Times: With optimized data access, employees can now handle customer inquiries and service requests more efficiently. ► Increased Customer Satisfaction: Automated notifications and a user-friendly interface led to more positive customer feedback and higher engagement. Conclusion Haposoft's solutions significantly improved the client's internal processes and customer experience. The web-based customer management system allowed staff to retrieve customer information more quickly, reducing manual errors. The mobile app gave customers a simple and intuitive way to schedule maintenance, leading to fewer missed appointments and increased satisfaction. Overall, the new system provided the client with a scalable platform for future expansion. About Haposoft Haposoft is a trusted partner in IT software development, providing innovative solutions to businesses across various industries. We specialize in developing customized software, mobile applications, and cloud-based systems, all designed to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our expertise lies in creating scalable, efficient, and high-performance systems that drive business growth. If you're looking for a reliable partner to help you with your digital transformation journey, contact Haposoft today. Our mobile app development services are tailored to help businesses enhance operations and improve customer experiences.
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